Sunday, February 26, 2012

Here an Organelle, there an Organelle, Everywhere Organelles!

A ribosome in the process of synthesizing a protein 
 So, I have the choice to be any organelle in a cell.....whoa! Well, I think that I would want to be a ribosome. Ribosomes have a pretty HUGE job!! Ribosomes are made of ribosomal RNA and proteins are their job is to carry out protein synthesis. This basically means - since proteins literally do everything except store genetic information in a cell - that ribosomes in turn do everything because they make these proteins. I think it would be cool to be a part of something larger and to make a difference in the world sort of like the ribosomes make a huge difference in cells. 


  1. I knew you would pick this organelle bud! It fits you(:

  2. Good job explaining why you would want to be a ribosome. It makes sense. I take it you like to feel important?(:

    ~Jordan E & Rachel R
